Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hawaii Cruise

On January 4th, we set sail for Hawaii on the Golden Princess. We cruised round trip from Los Angeles which gave us a leisurely 4 days at sea before arriving at Hilo on the big island of Hawaii, followed by visits to Oahu, Kauai and Maui. Then another 4 wonderful days at sea to Ensenada, Mexico and then back to Los Angeles. We love the sea days where we sat on our balcony, drank our beverages and read (in between the all-too-frequent meals.)

That's our little boat off in the distance...

These are the grounds and beach of the Marriot on Kauai where Steve and Allison spent their honeymoon.

On Maui, we were greeted by Neil, Betty's cousin, who spent the day giving us a personal tour of his home island.

Then, all too soon, it was time to head back to Los Angeles. A wonderful trip which we will certainly repeat.