From Arizona we headed north to the wonderfully scenic parks of southern Utah - Arches, Canyonlands, Bryce Canyon and Zion. Culling my images down to just 10 was a painstaking process for me. As anyone who knows me knows, I take a lot of pictures - so this is my attempt at showing a sampling of what we saw on our 10 day stay. 10 days wasn't long enough, I'm sure we'll be back.
Steve and Allison had to return home but we continued on to Arizona to watch a couple Giants pre-season games. Nice weather, cold beer but disappointing results for the two games we saw. Luckily it's just pre-season. Let's Go Giants! The next day we stumbled across a Native American concert in the park. It was part of a traveling show that featured the music and dance from several tribes. Lucky find. Our second game was a night game at Giants stadium - note that we weren't able to get nearly as good seats. The stadium was full of Giants fans and we had a great time regardless of the final score.
Oh boy, Disneyland! Steve treated Allison with a trip to Disneyland for her birthday and we tagged along. Steve's setting the bar pretty high - last year was Giant's spring training and this year is Disneyland. Wonder what he's got in mind for next year? Natalie is all rested up for a full couple days. OK, let's get going! We arrived in the afternoon and just planned to visit Downtown Disney the first day, topping it off with a birthday dinner at the The Rainforest Cafe. Finally we're here. Let's get going - we can take pictures anytime. Natalie's not too sure of the princesses - they look so real close-up... Allison, Natalie and Nana waiting outside the Tiki Room. This place is the best! Oh yea, we're here too... There is just so much to see... and do. And then top it all off with fireworks - what a perfect day.