The Apache Trail is a scenic roadway through the Superstition Mountains and Tonto National Forest from Apache Junction, near Phoenix to Globe. The drive consists of 40 miles of steep, winding and mostly unpaved roadway with spectacular views. The road is bumpy (washboard) and I certainly would not recommend it for an RV - it is more suited for an SUV style vehicle. Allow about 5 hours for the trip.
Near the middle of the trip (and where the pavement ends) is the old-west style settlement of Tortilla Flat (population 6) with it Superstition Saloon. Some time ago a tradition started to hang a dollar bill on the walls for good luck. Our waitress said that there were over 100,000 bills stapled on the walls and ceiling at last count. The tradition certainly seems to bring good luck to the owner.
Near the end of the trail you'll pass the Rooseveldt Dam and reservoir. By now you'll be happy to be getting back on paved highway.
That puts us at the end of another great trip. Steve and Natalie are ready to hit the road. An all-night marathon with driving shared by Gene and Steve will get us back home early Sunday.
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