Biosphere 2
For those of you who don't remember the Biosphere 2 experiment in the early 90's - it was a completey sealed and self contained habitat created in the Arizona desert outside the town of Oracle. Four men and four women were sealed in the complex for 2 years to basically test the feasibility of creating self-contained earth environments in outer space. Over 3 acres are sealed under glass with 5 bioms - rainforest, ocean, desert, mangroves, and an agriculture area. Although considered by many to be a failure because of problems encountered - oxygen was absorbed by concrete structures causing the scientists to run low on oxygen (which was fixed with a one-time infusion into the sealed system); low food production which was an inconvenience but never created a serious health threat; and personnel squabbles the eventually seperated the group of 8 into 2 4-person rival teams. I arrived expecting to see run-down remnants of a poorly conceived and failed project. But wow, it was much more than I expected! The engineering is amazing and the unit is both well thought out and impressive. I feel the minor problems encountered could be easily addressed in minor changes to the design and the project could be labeled a prototype and significant success. After the experiment, which concluded in 1994, the property was sold and managed by Columbia University from 1996-2003 who made a $10 million investment into the property to turn it into a remote campus studying environmental issues. The propery was resold in 2007 to private investors and management turned over to the University of Arizona, who still manage the project and conduct ongoing environmental experiments in this unique, self-contained environment.
This is the building that houses the 5 biomes.
Connected to the biome structure is this building which served as living quarters and labratories for the scientists during their 2 year, 20 minute stay.
Because of varying air pressure caused by temperature fluctuations within the sealed unit, two "lungs" were built into the initial design to absorb the temporary increases in air pressure and then return the air to the biomes when the temperature cooled.
This is the ocean habitat - almost 1 million gallons of saltwater creating a living ocean complete with fish and coral.
The rainforest, complete with 80+% humidity houses approximately 100 varieties of rain forest plants.
Below the structure, but still within the sealed environment, is an impressive infrastructure that regulates the temperature, rainfall and humidity for each seperate biome. Everything is recyled within the environment - inclding all water and oxygen.
If you are ever in the area, I would highly recommend a visit!
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